Terms and Conditions LimosaLimosa Rental


Below are the agreements we enter into starting from the first conversations/negotiations regarding the rental of our retreat centre. Many of these terms may seem obvious or familiar to you, but we recommend that you review them carefully. It’s important to ensure mutual understanding, and clarity for both parties.


1.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to all offers, reservations, and agreements relating to all buildings at Zonnenbergen 6, 8111 TC Heeten, rented by LimosaLimosa, as well as to all other services and products provided by LimosaLimosa. LimosaLimosa includes the following three entities: LimosaLimosa Retreat, LimosaLimosa Silence Camping, and LimosaLimosa Lodge.

1.2 In these Terms and Conditions, the following definitions apply:

  • ‘Renter’ – The natural or legal person who enters into an agreement with LimosaLimosa regarding the rental/use of the location and the provision of services.
  • ‘Guests’, ‘retreat participants’, or ‘participants’ – The renter and the persons who will make use of the location and/or other facilities and services rented by LimosaLimosa.
  • ‘Option’ – Valid until LimosaLimosa requires a decision from the client regarding the cancellation of the option or its conversion into a reservation.
  • ‘Reservation’ – A reservation sent by LimosaLimosa is considered proof of final booking, and in the event of (partial) cancellation, the reservation conditions will apply immediately.

1.3 Deviating agreements from these Terms and Conditions are only valid if agreed upon in writing.


2.1 LimosaLimosa reserves the right to refuse rentals without providing reasons or impose special conditions.

2.2 If the renter has not received a (written) confirmation/invoice within 10 days of making the reservation, the renter must immediately contact location management via LimosaLimosa.Office@gmail.com, failing which no claim to the reservation can be made.

2.3 An agreement between the renter and LimosaLimosa is established when the renter places the reservation and LimosaLimosa (in writing, by email) accepts it. If the customer does not provide changes within 3 days after LimosaLimosa's acceptance, LimosaLimosa will assume that the agreement has been established.

2.4 For LimosaLimosa reservations, the booked accommodation and bedrooms will be available to the renter from 2:00 p.m. or the agreed time in writing. On the day of departure, guests and/or the renter must vacate the accommodation and bedrooms by the agreed time. If not vacated on time, LimosaLimosa has the right to access the rooms and store the guests’ and/or renter's belongings elsewhere on the estate. If LimosaLimosa does not exercise this right, one extra day of accommodation will be charged.

2.5 If a rental period is agreed upon, it may be extended by a maximum of half an hour without additional costs to the renter. After this, the renter will owe LimosaLimosa €100 per hour for the extension.

2.6 If the renter wishes to extend the agreement with LimosaLimosa beyond the agreed period and LimosaLimosa agrees, the additional costs will be charged to the renter and determined in advance.

2.7 In the event of shorter use of the accommodation and/or other facilities than stated in the booking confirmation, the renter is not entitled to a refund of (part of) the rent and/or costs, unless otherwise agreed.


3.1 If the renter wishes to make changes to the agreement and/or reservation after the agreement has been concluded, LimosaLimosa is not obliged to accept these changes. It is at LimosaLimosa's discretion to decide whether and to what extent the changes will be accepted. If LimosaLimosa accepts your changes, LimosaLimosa may charge amendment fees.


4.1 It is not allowed for the renter or other guests to sublet the accommodation under any name or for any reason to anyone other than the persons mentioned in the agreement, unless otherwise agreed in writing with LimosaLimosa.

4.2 If the renter and LimosaLimosa agree that the renter and/or one or more guests are to be replaced, the renter will remain jointly liable, along with the person replacing them, for the payment of the remaining rent, amendment fees (see article 3.1), and any additional costs as a result of the substitution and possible cancellation fees.


5.1 The renter owes LimosaLimosa the agreed rent and the price for additional services/products, as stated in the written confirmation (also the invoice) of the reservation.

5.2 The rent is agreed upon based on the rates established by LimosaLimosa, as quoted by email.


6.1 Payments must be made within 14 days of the invoice date.

6.2 If the renter fails to make timely payments for the amounts invoiced to them, the renter will be in default immediately after the payment term expires and the reservation will be cancelled.


7.1 At the renter's request, LimosaLimosa may place an option for the desired rental date.

7.2 An option remains valid for a maximum of 2 weeks, during which time the client may convert the option into a reservation. The option expires after 2 weeks, we will first contact the client.

7.3 For requests where the start date is within 1 month of placing the option, the client will receive an offer valid for 1 week, after which it automatically expires unless the client converts the option into a reservation.

7.4 A last-minute request where the start date is within 1 week will only be accepted by LimosaLimosa if booked immediately as a reservation.

7.5 If another interested party wants to reserve the same time, the client will have one week to decide whether to convert the option into a reservation or to decline it.


8.1 For cancellations up to 60 days before the agreed start date, the deposit will be refunded. For cancellations up to 30 days before the agreed start date, 30% of the invoiced amount will be charged. For cancellations up to 1 day before the agreed start date, or on the day itself, 50% of the invoiced amount will be charged.

8.2 If the KNMI (Dutch Meteorological Institute) issues a red weather warning, LimosaLimosa offers the option to reschedule the reservation free of charge to a date within one year, provided there is availability. If no alternative is found and the renter wishes to cancel the reservation, cancellation fees will be charged as per article 8.1. This article does not apply to events that have already started at LimosaLimosa when Code Red is issued.

8.3 If government COVID-19 measures prevent the event from taking place, LimosaLimosa offers the option to reschedule the reservation free of charge to a date within one year. If no alternative is found and the renter wishes to cancel the reservation, cancellation fees will be charged as per articles 8.1.


The renter assures LimosaLimosa that they can bear the financial consequences of a cancellation for any reason. If the renter cannot bear this financial risk, they are obliged to take out (event) insurance and/or adequately arrange this risk with their client and/or participants to ensure the cancellation fees can always be paid.


10.1 If LimosaLimosa is temporarily or permanently unable to perform the agreement, LimosaLimosa will submit a proposal for a new period within a reasonable time after becoming aware of the impossibility to comply.

10.2 Force majeure for LimosaLimosa exists if the execution of the agreement is wholly or partially, whether or not temporarily, prevented by circumstances beyond the control of LimosaLimosa, including but not limited to war danger, strikes (personnel), blockades, fire, flooding, and other disruptions or events.

10.3 The renter is entitled to reject the proposed changes. If the renter rejects the proposal, they must notify LimosaLimosa within 14 days after receiving the proposal, but no later than before arrival. In such cases, LimosaLimosa has the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect. The renter is then entitled to a refund of the (already paid portion of) the rental amount, but LimosaLimosa is not liable for any damages.

10.4 LimosaLimosa is located in a nature reserve and cannot be held responsible for external noises such as overhead planes, agricultural machinery, farm celebrations, car rallies, walking clubs, etc. Unfortunately, external silence cannot be guaranteed, though inner silence can still be achieved.

10.5 The renter is expected to respect the silence of the nature reserve and the DNA of LimosaLimosa. Therefore, no outdoor music or drumming (or similar) is allowed.


We ask the renter and guests to respect the following house rules:

11.1 LimosaLimosa is a smoke-free environment. However, there is a designated smoking area in the car park.

11.2 Alcohol, drug use, and the consumption of psychedelics in any form are strictly prohibited during the retreat. The consumption, administration, or accompaniment involving psychedelics, related substances, or any form of drugs is not allowed under any circumstances on LimosaLimosa's premises or within 200 meters of it. This gives LimosaLimosa the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect and have the renter and participants vacate the premises. In such cases, no refund will be given for the rent or any part thereof, and LimosaLimosa is not obliged to provide any other form of compensation.

11.3 You are welcome as you are. Respect and space for each individual, regardless of religion, beliefs, orientation, gender, nationality, or development, are an important part of LimosaLimosa's DNA – for you and everyone else.

11.4 You are a guest in our retreat centre. We provide a safe and welcoming environment for you and other participants. Should damage occur to the property, it will be charged to the person responsible.

11.5 Taking photos, videos, or sound recordings during the retreat or training is only allowed for a maximum of 10 minutes after the session ends. It is not permitted to take photos or videos of other participants unless explicit permission is given.

11.6 Participants who do not follow the house rules or fail to comply with the instructions of the LimosaLimosa team may be removed from the retreat or training. This does not entitle the participant to a refund of the course fees.

11.7 The accommodation may only be occupied by the maximum number of people stated in the reservation, with one person per bedroom.

11.8 The owners of LimosaLimosa live on the premises, where there is also a private swimming pool and hot tub. Participants may use these facilities as guests in warm weather, entirely at their own risk. These are not public facilities and fall outside of LimosaLimosa's business operations.

11.9 The food products provided during the retreat may contain allergens (European Regulation 1169/2011). Please inform us of any allergies in advance, and we will do our best to accommodate them, but we cannot accept responsibility. Always ask our staff for more information on-site.

11.10 Barbecues are not allowed due to fire risk (thatched roof), and candles are not permitted in the bedrooms. The only fires allowed are in the fire pit, fireplaces, and stoves.

11.11 The living spaces at LimosaLimosa are ‘shoe-free’. Slippers and similar footwear are allowed.

11.12 The renter must leave the spaces broom-clean, with bedding and towels placed on the floor at the reception, bins in the bedrooms and kitchen emptied into the waste containers, no dirty dishes left, and the kitchen, fridge, and oven cleaned. Tableware and pans must be put away clean in their designated drawers and cupboards. Dishwashers must be running or emptied when the renter leaves the accommodation.

11.13 Pets are not allowed at LimosaLimosa.

11.14 Parking is only permitted in the car park, not along the (dirt) road.

11.15 Ticks are present in the nature surrounding LimosaLimosa. The oak processionary caterpillar may also be active. As a participant, you are responsible for taking appropriate measures to prevent tick bites or bites from other insects. Consider wearing long sleeves, tucking trousers into socks, and using preventive measures. Most participants do not experience issues with the mentioned insects.

11.16 In the event of a violation of the rules included in these Terms and Conditions, the LimosaLimosa house rules, and/or failure to comply with the instructions of staff, LimosaLimosa reserves the right to access the accommodation and/or immediately remove the renter and any other users from the premises, without a refund of the rent or any part thereof and/or without any entitlement to any other compensation.


12.1 The renter and guests are jointly liable for orderly conduct in and around the rented accommodation or elsewhere on the LimosaLimosa premises, as well as for the use of the accommodation and the equipment and inventory contained within.

12.2 The renter and those accompanying them are jointly liable for any damage caused by breakage, loss, or damage to the inventory and/or accommodation. Any damage must be reported to LimosaLimosa's administration immediately and paid for on-site, unless the renter can prove that the damage was not caused by them, other guests, or members of their party.

12.3 If the renter fails to follow the instructions of LimosaLimosa staff in the event of a disturbance, LimosaLimosa reserves the right to remove the renter and all other users from the premises immediately, without a refund of the rent or any part thereof and/or without any entitlement to any other compensation.


13.1 LimosaLimosa reserves the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect at any time if incomplete and/or incorrect personal data for the renter and/or other guests are provided during the reservation. In such cases, no refund will be given for the rent or any part thereof, and LimosaLimosa is not obliged to provide any other form of compensation.

13.2 The consumption, administration, or accompaniment involving psychedelics, related substances, or any form of drugs is not allowed under any circumstances on LimosaLimosa's premises or within 200 meters of it. This gives LimosaLimosa the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect and have the renter and participants vacate the premises. In such cases, no refund will be given for the rent or any part thereof, and LimosaLimosa is not obliged to provide any other form of compensation.


14.1 LimosaLimosa accepts no liability for theft, loss, or damage to or of property or persons of any kind during or as a result of a stay at LimosaLimosa and/or the rental/use of accommodation and/or other facilities of LimosaLimosa, unless caused by intent or gross negligence by LimosaLimosa or one of its employees.

14.2 Liability for damages resulting from loss of enjoyment of the stay, business and other consequential damages, is excluded under all circumstances. Furthermore, LimosaLimosa is not liable for damages that are covered by a travel and/or cancellation insurance or any other insurance and/or arrangement.

14.3 LimosaLimosa is not liable for disruptions in services or defects in services provided by third parties.

14.4 If LimosaLimosa is nevertheless found to be liable, liability is limited to a maximum of €75000 for personal accidents and/or death per renter/user per stay. Liability for material damage is limited to a maximum of €1500 per renter/user per stay.

14.5 The renter and their guests are jointly liable for all loss and/or damage to the rented accommodation and/or other LimosaLimosa property caused during their use of it, regardless of whether the damage was caused by an act or omission of the renter and/or other guests or third parties invited to LimosaLimosa with the renter's permission.

14.6 The renter indemnifies LimosaLimosa against all claims for damages by third parties that are (partly) caused by any act or omission by the renter, their guests, and third parties invited to the premises by the renter for their own retreat with the knowledge or permission of LimosaLimosa.


We will do everything we can to resolve complaints or deficiencies immediately. In case of emergency, refer to the house rules. If you have any complaints, we ask that you first report the complaint to LimosaLimosa.Office@gmail.com, including your reservation number, contact details, date of stay, and accommodation, addressed to Ariane van Notten & Leonard de Mol van Otterloo, owners of Limosa Space B.V., Zonnenbergen 6, 8111 TC Heeten.


The agreement and these Terms and Conditions are exclusively governed by Dutch law. The court in Zwolle has exclusive jurisdiction over disputes in this matter.


Typographical errors do not bind LimosaLimosa. These general terms and conditions supersede all previous publications. The invalidity and/or nullity of any of the individual provisions of these Terms and Conditions and/or parts thereof do not affect the validity of the remaining (parts of) provisions of these Terms and Conditions. Changes and additions to the agreement and/or Terms and Conditions are only valid if recorded in writing. The legal relationship between the parties (and thus also these Terms and Conditions) is exclusively governed by Dutch law. The court in Zwolle has exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes related to or arising from this legal relationship and/or Terms and Conditions.

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