
Address and directions
LimosaLimosa impressie 44


Zonnenbergen 6
8111TC Heeten

Ariane van Notten: 06 53 25 35 21
Leonard de Mol van Otterloo: 06 30 31 46 23

Chamber of Commerce 84346418


By bike

It is preferable to come by bicycle, which is the most 'green' form of transport. From Deventer Station or Raalte Station it is 30 - 40 minutes by bike.

By public transport

It is possible to come by public transport, from Deventer and Raalte stations take regional bus 517 to the Zonnenbergerdijk, Heeten stop. This bus runs once an hour, check in advance. From there it is a 20 minutes walk in a straight, beautiful line to LimosaLimosa. If you wish, we can pick you up from the stop, please contact us a day in advance. If it is important to you that we pick you up at Deventer or Raalte station, we will pick you up there.

By car

If you come by car, Limosa Limosa is a fifteen-minute drive from the A1, exit 24 Deventer-Oost/Raalte.

Please note: regardless of which direction you come from, first put 'Bolmansdijk West Zijde, Heeten' in your navigation system. Only for the last 50 meters you put in our adress: Zonnenbergen 6, Heeten. Only when you see a white-green suspension bridge on your right, turn left onto the unpaved road, after 50 meters you will see LimosaLimosa on the left on the corner. When it rains it can be (extremely) muddy here. Cars however rarely get stuck, if you prefer to walk the last 5 minutes, park your car on Bolmansdijk.

Please note:  If you do not follow these instructions, there is a good chance that you will be led 'backwards' by your navigation system and will be faced with a closed country road. Then you still have to take a fifteen minute detour.

You can park in our parking lot.
There is a charging station for two cars.


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